Practicing Slaying the CBC Dragons
I'm practicing every day to slay those shrewd Dragons. CBC Dragons' Den gives you about a month to prepare to film the show. We pitch April 24th, but will not be told when we air until two weeks prior.
I'm equal parts excited and terrified. There are no do-overs, after all. All bumbles and goof-ups will be forever etched into the unforgiving archive that is Google. In 2016, the realty is; there is nothing certain in life but death, taxes, and the Internet eternal. I must know my numbers. I must know my numbers. I must know my numbers.
It's been so long since I've walked in high heels, yesterday I took them for a spin just to make sure I could still do it. Those metal stairs on-set look like they could eat shoes, so a scurried up and down the wooden steps at home about a dozen times. So far, so good.
I practiced my pitch about 1000 times before I realized it was too long by about a factor of two. Rewriting and re-memorizing is the equivalent of shifting into reverse whilst speeding down the Autobahn in an Austin Martin clocking 180 MPH. Cut, splice, cut-- must get it down to 1:15. Feels as though I'm cramming a pregnant water buffalo into my carry-on luggage.