Walton Wood Farm is headquartered along the shores of Rice Lake in Bailieboro, ON Canada. Being a rural-based company, we like to support our fellow farmers as much as possible. These days, small farms need non-agricultural, diversified streams of income to survive and stay out of the clutches of big corporate agriculture.
We are very lucky as there are many creative things happening in our neck of the woods in rural Ontario!
After setting our loaves to rise and enjoying a good cup of tea with freshly made scones, we dropped in on the aviary tour guided by Danielle’s daughter, Carlyle. We learned all about the hierarchy of the hives—yes Queens do rule—, how honey is made by the bees, and how it’s harvested by Sound Pond Farms. We even tasted some of the delicious golden drops from the honeycomb.
After a leisure hike on the trails, we sat for a spell for some pond gazing. An outdoor brick oven nearby cast the scent of smoky embers and brought me back to time spent around a campfire—quiet moments, reflecting on life and drinking in the view. Slowing down just for a little while.
Since our visit, South Pond opened a gift shop next to the barn, and we’re excited our own Rural Roots Collection is available there alongside Danielle’s book series and delicious jams, spreads and salts.
On a side note;
Danielle and I met on Boxing Day over a year ago. Our friendship sprouted from a shared passion to make high quality sustainable products, bring jobs and tourism to our communities of Peterborough and the Kawarthas, and exercise our creative muscle by innovating how farms do business.
Our brands are vastly different; South Pond Farms is a brand of innocence and a return to values through food and environment. Walton Wood Farm makes soaps and lotions with edgy themes and we can be at times a bit wild.
Although our companies have different voices, we have the same challenges; finding and training staff, marketing, sales, financial management, operations, and working seven days a week to stay on top if it all.
We are both very lucky to have partners in life that are fully supportive. Danielle’s "Shawn" and my "Peter" are cut from the same plaid shirt and blue jeans cloth. Hard-working, gentle men with infinite wisdom and grounded sensibilities. A calm voice in the storm.
There are lots of sleepless nights for both Danielle and me. It is reassuring and enjoyable to have another farmpreneur to share experiences with; ideas, “aha’s,” successes and failures all go down better with a glass of wine and a friend who can relate. Complementing, not competing.
In 2019, my wish for you is to make space in your life for a ‘simpler time’ and find your own Taste of the Country. Somewhere off the grid to step back, reflect and enjoy the moment, just as we did that warm summer day last June at South Pond Farms.
Leslie Bradford-Scott
Founder, Walton Wood Farm